DBA specializations
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
ESBM offers 4 DBA specializations
The nearest DBA basic block starts on 14. 9. 2024.
Conditions of Admission
- Completed secondary level university degree (Mgr., Ing., MBA, MSc).
- A minimum of five years experience in a managerial position is also required: download form.
- Submission of a fully completed application form. Submission of applications is FREE.
- Applicants are admitted to study WITHOUT ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS or entrance interviews.
The course of study
The study of any DBA specialization can be started at the ESBM at any time during the year.
The course is conducted in Czech and the entire study lasts 1 year.
Education takes place online in combination with interactive seminars. The seminars take place in modern premises in the center of Prague (only 3 times per study, always on Saturdays).
Students have access to a modern e-learning platform (student section), where you can find study materials, all the information you need to study, including the dates of individual course days.
The entire study consists of 2 educational blocks (basic and specialized), which are further divided into 8 study modules.
The output of the study modules is seminar papers or case studies.
Beyond the classroom, students can participate in bonus workshops and expert seminars, organized by the school. In case of interest, it is possible to receive a certificate for the completed workshops.
The studies are completed by preparing and defending a final thesis. After successful completion the student receives an DBA degree.
All specializations can be studied at a discounted price also in online form of study (without the possibility of attending course days).
Study for a promotional price of 4.760 € without VAT 6.200 €.
We will answer all your questions!
We will be happy to welcome you to the school premises and guide you through the entire study.
Contact usWe will be happy to answer your questions about the study.