Basic information about DBA Degree

  • DBA stands for Doctor of Business Administration. It represents the highest level of management education, based on the tradition of Anglophone countries.

  • Modern management education and a DBA degree guarantee a superior extension of managerial knowledge and skills.

  • Graduates with an DBA degree have the prerequisites for advancement on the career ladder, strengthening their position on the labor market and obtaining higher financial remuneration.

  • With DBA study at the European School of Business & Management SE, students broaden their knowledge and gain practical skills that they can apply in practice.

  • DBA Education studies are designed for senior managers interested in the highest attainable level of education in management.

  • A successful graduate obtains the DBA degree, which is written after his/her name. Graduates with an DBA degree have the prerequisites for advancement on the career ladder, strengthening their position on the labor market and obtaining higher financial remuneration.

Advantages of an DBA Degree

87 %

Graduates reported that they had improved their position in the company as a result of their studies at ESBM.

88 %

Graduates regularly use the knowledge and skills acquired during their studies to solve specific work situations.

97 %

Graduates said that their investment in studying at ESBM has paid off.

83 %

Graduates said that the studies were a key motivation for starting their own business.

91 %

Graduates have gained valuable work and business contacts during their studies at ESBM.

93 %

Graduates confirmed that they had expanded their business and increased their turnover.

Discounted price of DBA studies!
Only until 28. 10. 2024.

4.760 € without VAT

Advantageous offer
The discounted price of the DBA studies applies to applications submitted right now!
You can spread the payment up to 12 installments without increasing the price.
The study can be started at any time during the year according to your own preferences.
Do not hesitate
Think of your future, now is the right time!

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