Ing. Jan Krajíček, Ph.D.

Ing. Jan Krajíček, Ph.D. received his Ph.D. in finance from Masaryk University, where he has been working permanently at the Department of Finance of the Faculty of Economics and Administration since 2007. His teaching specializes in banking, especially Economics and Bank Management and Corporate Banking. In addition to theory, he has extensive practical experience gained in his previous work in the banking sector and as a corporate financial advisor. He has held various positions in the banking sector ranging from analyst to proxy of a foreign bank. In addition to his lecturing and research work at his home university, he also uses his theoretical and practical experience in lectures at the University of Economics in Bratislava and Hochschule Bochum – Bochum University of Applied Sciences. He is also an expert witness specializing in banking. He presents the results of his professional work at international scientific conferences, included in the Clarivate Analytics database (Web of Science).