Ing. Radka Vaníčková, Ph.D., MBA

Ing. Radka Vaníčková, Ph.D. specializes in HR in project management, especially in the area of professional growth and development, teamwork and individual coaching. In her professional practice she has been working for eleven years in the field of management and human resources management in manufacturing enterprises and companies, in educational, consulting and advisory institutions and personnel agencies, in the areas of development and growth, education (andragogy) and pedagogy. In her professional practice she applies professional knowledge, experience and practical skills in the field of human resources management and HR, business management, applied economics, process and project management, especially in non-investment projects supported by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic. She is the author of study scripts under the title: Project 2 – the Regional Individual Project “Educate Yourself for Growth in the South Bohemia Region,” co-author of the book titles “Personnel Management” and “Labor Law.” She also works as a foreign partner of the VEGA project: Analysis of the degree of implementation of project management in companies belonging to the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sector of the Slovak Republic multicultural and cross-border cooperation.