Our lecturer Lucie Dolanská Bányaiová was appointed a judge of the Constitutional Court.

In December, President Petr Pavel appointed our lecturer, Lucie Dolanská Bányaiová, as a new judge of the Constitutional Court. We are very proud and have our fingers crossed for the new role!

Lucie Dolanská Bányaiová is a long-time lawyer, a member of the board of directors of the Czech Bar Association, who specializes in private law. In addition to her private practice in advocacy, she currently also works in an academic environment, either teaching international law or international trade, and is a co-author of commentaries on legal regulations in the field of civil law.

Photo: Petr Hloušek, novinky.cz
Lektorka ESBM Lucie Dolanská Bányaiová jmenována soudkyní Ústavního soudu.