BBA Management
Bachelor of Business Management (BBA)
The BBA Management specialization focuses on the concept of management and its anchoring in the management practices of companies as well as in contemporary scientific disciplines. It reflects the impact of the changing external and internal conditions of the organization on the performance of the management profession.
Benefits of Specialization
BBA Management
You will clarify the basic concepts of management and their anchoring in the management practices of companies.
You will define sequential and parallel management functions and understand their practical application.
You will become acquainted with current trends in the field of management.
You will become acquainted with the key prerequisites for successful performance of a managerial function.
You will get to know the position of manager, his/her profile and competences, especially from the practical side.
You will increase work efficiency, not only your own, but also in your company or workplace.
This specialization can be studied at a discounted price also in online form of study (without the possibility of attending course days).
Modules of
BBA Management
Detailed Course of
BBA Management
BBA study takes 9 – 12 months, is conducted in Czech and combines modern e-learning with interactive seminars, which are grouped into several course days.
The study is divided into 2 blocks and each block is further divided into individual modules.
The output for each block are seminar papers or case studies. For the first block the student prepares 2 seminar papers, for the second block 3 seminar papers or case studies, or another form defined within the syllabus of the specific module.
The studies conclude with the preparation of a final thesis and its defense.
Beyond this, students have the possibility of individual consultations with lecturers, which can take place through the student section, virtual room, in person, by phone or by email. Lecturers are fully available to all students throughout their studies and students can contact them at any time with any query. Students also have access to supplementary materials, which are published by the lecturers as part of e-learning.
The e-learning system guides students throughout their studies. Here you will find information about lectures, study materials, lecture schedules and all necessary information, which maximizes convenience and accessibility of information.
A successful graduate obtains the BBA degree, which is written after his/her name. This gives BBA graduates an edge over others.
Conditions of Admissions
- Completed high school education with graduation.
- To study the BBA program, the applicant does not have to declare an internship.
- Submission of a fully completed application for study which is FREE of charge.
- Applicants are admitted to the study WITHOUT ADMISSION EXAMS or interviews.
COMBINED form: 1.800 € without VAT
ONLINE form: 1.400 € without VAT